Scrapbook Fantasies Monthly Challenge
Hi everyone I have been away for the last month and before that my life just got in the way. No time for Scrapping, art there was not a lot happening. Ok back to my post as a design member of Scrapbook Fantasies every month we are given a $5.00 kit to do something with, one a page and the other a card and I usually make a page with the scraps, just gives the mind a bit of a workout. You can only use what is in the kit except for inks, sprays etc. I am putting up the last three months March, April and May.

March card kit
Leftover page
My Card from this kit
My March page
April Card leftover page
Sorry I can not find my photo of my card.....
My page kit
May card leftover page
My card
Mays page is still under construction, will put up soon....
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